Trusted Financial Experts | About United Advisers Marine

The United Advisers Group was founded in Switzerland in 2001, to provide financial planning services to expatriates. Over time, an increasing amount of our clients worked in the Marine sector, requiring a customised approach to financial planning.  United Advisers Marine was launched in 2015 with a mission to ensure all Marine Crew can make the best possible financial decisions, by providing comprehensive and tailored financial guidance. UAM is the only company offering specialised financial advice for Marine Crew.

One crucial aspect we recognise is the absence of traditional pension plans or similar financial structures for marine crew members. While many industries offer retirement benefits, we understand that the marine industry operates differently. As dedicated professionals committed to your financial well-being, we are here to bridge this gap and offer customised solutions to secure your future.

We offer personalised advice and innovative solutions to help you navigate the ever-changing landscape of the marine industry. Our commitment is to empower you with the knowledge and tools necessary to optimise your financial well-being, regardless of your position or level of experience.


We inspire you to secure your financial future


We chart your financial course together to make sure you stay headway


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Our Team

Our team has decades of combined experience developing specific financial plans to empower Marine Crew. We navigate the way we work to meet you where you are.

In the dynamic world of the marine industry, we possess a deep understanding of the specific working conditions faced by marine crew members. Our comprehensive knowledge and experience encompass the intricacies of life at sea, ensuring that we provide specialised financial guidance that caters to your unique circumstances.

Partner with us and experience the peace of mind that comes from having a dedicated financial ally who truly understands the unique challenges and opportunities that lie ahead in your marine career. Let us navigate the financial waters together and secure a prosperous future for you, both in your professional life as a marine crew member and beyond.


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