Smart Single Investments for Superyacht crew | UAM

We can help you manage the investment of lump sums you might have during your superyacht season. Often crew want to invest unspent end of season wages or bonuses.

Investing a lump sum prevents you from ‘frittering away’ the money when you return to shore. It also allows you to benefit from compound interest on your investment if you invest long-term as part of your retirement portfolio.

If you keep your end of season bonus as cash it will also be worth less over time because of inflation. Investing in an account with potential returns above inflation helps your money work for you over time.

How we Work

We will meet with you to better understand how you would like to use this money in the future and how it fits alongside your other savings and investments. This single investment will then become part of your documented financial plan.

We have access to a large number of investment choices at reduced costs and with lower investment thresholds. We achieve this through the consolidated buying power of the United Advisers Group. 

Experience has taught us that successful wealth management for yacht crew is about more than just choosing funds. It’s about working with you to develop your financial plan so that the selected funds and assets are right for your risk level and future goals.

WHat we Offer

  • Fund evaluation and selection
  • Access to stable fund management companies
  • Continual performance monitoring so you have peace of mind while onboard
  • Reporting that shows multiple projected outcomes
  • Informed decision making 
  • Existing account review and management

What you get

  • A dedicated adviser who will manage reviews and future planning meetings
  • A documented financial plan 
  • An impartial assessment of any existing investment performance
  • Purchase, management and administration 
  • Rebalancing within your risk profile


Start planning your financial future today. Simply tell us what matters most to you, and we’ll build a solid financial plan to help you achieve it using your lump sum..