What British Yachties Miss | Homesickness Insights

27th Oct 2018

What British yachties miss most about home

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Travelling the world and meeting exciting new people has its perks. But being away from home for long periods of time can also have its downsides. Just like Dorothy said, ‘there is no place like home’. So what are the things that British yachties miss most about home?

Sunday lunch

One of the greatest British traditions is the Sunday lunch. Each family has their own take on it. Be it thin or thick gravy made by nan/ gran or dad everyone has their preference. Sunday lunch is also the perfect way to counter balance Saturday night and a great excuse to head down the pub on a Sunday lunchtime. Like you needed an excuse…
If you have a super lovely chef, or you are a super lovely chef, here are some top Sunday lunch recipes.


This was a surprise for us too.
Turns out that crumpets are the number one top selling British product abroad! It makes sense when you think of the warm feeling you get eating a hot buttery crumpet.

Sarcasm and irony

Meeting new people is great and it is important to have a diverse network of people around you. Finding non-British friends that have the same penchant for sarcasm can be tough. Don’t believe how much British people miss their unique sense of humour? Check out this poll from The Telegraph:


If you’ve had to pay out for any kind of medical bill ever, you will normally have deep love for the NHS. Whatever your feelings about NHS reforms, most people still hold a strong sentiment towards the staff and service provided. The NHS has proven itself to be invaluable during the COVID-19 crisis and has given many UK crew a fresh appreciation.

UK superyacht crew guide to savings

A proper brew

And a sofa. Your own super comfy sofa. And perhaps a biscuit.
Getting a proper cup of tea can be tough. It is a good job that there are companies out there like Tea Chart that help you correctly identify the kind of tea that you want. There is even a framed version for the true tea fan.

Their friendly bank manager

Ok, so this might not be top of everyone’s list but most expats do miss having a bank manager that they can talk to. Many also miss just dealing in one currency that isn’t prone to fluctuations. Fortunately, this is one problem that we can solve quickly for you. We might not be UK based but we certainly speak your language.


What British yachties miss most about home