What yachties did next... | Tim Fletcher from Workrest

13th Apr 2019

What yachties did next … Tim Fletcher from Workrest

The first of anything is always pretty special, and our interview with Tim Fletcher from Workrest is no exception. Welcome to the first interview in our ‘What yachties did next…’ series. Over the next few months we’ll interview ex-yachties to see what they are up to.

There are incredible opportunities available after a career in yachting. Many ex- yachties start companies, as Tim has done, and others take up roles within luxury hospitality or yachting. Our series is designed to pack you full of ideas and inspiration!

Now on to Tim….
Tim got his first role as a Deckhand after speaking to a friend who had been working as an onboard chef. However, after five years in the yachting industry, and having progressed to Lead Deckhand, Tim decided that it was time to leave.

UAM: What made you realise you wanted to leave yachting?

TF: I was able to create the idea and build the initial business plan for Workrest while I was still working onboard. But, I got to the point where I had to make the decision between staying in the industry or launching Workrest. No matter how good my intentions were, there’s no way I could have done both!

UAM: Once you had your initial idea, how did you decide what to do next?

TF: I guess I never really thought too far ahead. I knew I wanted to solve this problem (hours of rest), so the most logical thing for me to do was to design and create a solution. Having a degree in design really helped me to understand how projects move from a concept to a creation. I pretty much just got back to what I was doing at Uni and spent my days at the drawing board.

UAM: What was your plan B?

TF: To make plan A work 🙂

UAM: How does your previous career in yachting help your current role?

TF: I think yachties, in general, come away from the industry with two key attributes that would help in any land-based industry; work ethic and crisis management.
No matter how hard we work at Workrest, my years in yachting will always be remembered for being the most arduous and energy sapping. I think this helps me to push through when fatigue sets in knowing that there is always some stewardess/deckie working harder than me right now (although they’re probably getting paid more than me for doing so).
With regards to crisis management, I think working in the yachting industry gives you a great grounding when it comes to problem solving in tough situations. I guess that comes down to working in some pretty stressful scenarios with some highly strung individuals and a load of money thrown in there for good measure.

UAM: What is your favourite thing about your current role?

TF: One word: Freedom!

UAM: What advice would you give to others looking to leave yachting?

TF: Do something you truly love.
Life is really different back on land and there’s more to it than being stuck in an office for a company you hate. Use your experience to be creative with what you decide to do. You also have the freedom of being cash rich, which is a great stepping stone for creating your own company.
Also, start getting used to staycations and ready meals. It’s a hard landing when you leave a highly paid (tax-free) job that comes with its own chef.

UAM: What is your favourite memory from your time onboard?

TF: That’s a really tough question, it is hard to pinpoint a favourite.
I think the most prominent memories are all centered around the amazing people that I was able to meet, live and work with.
What differentiates yachting for me, over other experiences, are the connections you build with people. You spend so much time with your co-workers that they end up becoming a second family. You’ll have those friends and memories long after you’ve gone your separate ways.

UAM: Is there anything you wish you’d done before stopping working on yachts?

TF: I wish I’d gotten to see more of the world through the eyes of a charter guest. I’ve seen some yachts recently visiting more extreme cruising destinations in the higher latitudes. The experience of working as crew aboard a yacht that undertook some truly adventurous routes would be amazing and I’m very jealous of those that are lucky enough to do that.

It was an absolute pleasure speaking to Tim and if you were at Monaco Yacht Show this year you will have probably seen him hard at work talking about Workrest. It is only right at this point that we mention his company and how it could help you onboard.

Workrest is designed to streamline the hours of rest process onboard the busiest yachts in the industry, making captains and crew more productive, less stressed and more rested. The beauty of it is that it is accessible both online and offline across a number of devices. If you would like to know more please email hello@workrest.co.